We can treat minor bumps, bruises and cuts & longer-term injuries and issues caused by your work. These consultations require payment up front to be reimbursed to you by your employer.
Motor Vehicle Accidents:
Minor motor vehicle accidents can cause short term and long term issues, and insurance companies may require medical checkups in the course of your claim. The doctors can provide reports of the accident, and an explanation of health issues moving forward.
The doctors are trained in the closure and repair of minor to moderate skin lacerations.
These procedures may involve the use of local anaesthetic and sutures, or the doctor may decide skin glue is enough.
Skeletal injuries:​
Minor injuries caused by sporting and exercise, manual labour or accidents are important to have reviewed by a doctor. They will tell you whether it's necessary to have imaging or other investigations, and what treatment is appropriate.
Often same-day results are available for x-rays, but longer wait times are usually required for CT scans and ultrasounds.